Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Creating memories in a jar tutorial

Well we are heading towards the end of another six weeks school holiday and if your children are anything like mine they are collecting "things" everywhere they go, we have seashells and sticks to name but a few. To you and I they may just be junk but to the child that has collected them ,they are memories, memories of a place a time and people. If your anything like me you want your children to keep these items but it gets to a question of where to put them, our shells were on a bathroom shelf, but after 4 weeks the novelty of dusting fifty seashells is just about wearing thin, so I will share with you my solution "memories in a jar", it is a little craft project you can share with the children, that also involves my recycling so it is all good.

Memories in a jar tutorial supplies
Memories in a jar tutorial supplies

You will need to gather your supplies :

Empty glass jar , coffee jar, jam jar , anything with a screw top lid
Silver spray paint (optional)
Small amount of ribbon (optional)
Memories (seashells, twigs, pinecones etc).

First clean you your jar and dry, if you have trouble getting the label off, try soaking it in hot soapy water for an hour or so. Next if you want to as I have done grab your silver spray paint to spray your jar lids, I only sprayed them because I had some left over from a previous project, as it can be quite expensive to buy. A thrifty tip look out for spray paints on discounted shelves in hardware stores as you can often get them cheaper as shop damaged stock with cracked lids, so if you see them buy them as I do for little craft projects.

Leave your jar lids to dry, go by the instructions on your paint. Fill your jar with your shells or pine cones or whatever memory object you are using , I also added some glass beads into mine that I found at a car boot sale, screw the top back on your jar and tie a little ribbon bow around the top if you are using any.

Finished memeories in a jar
Finished memories in a jar

I also had some shells that no matter how much ,mind over matter or manual manipulation I used they just would not fit into any of my jars, so I used these as tea light holders shown below

Seashell tealight holder

Waste not want not.

Until next time in enjoy your crafting and recycling

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